

発表題目:Environment Changes and Current Practices for the Sustainability of Nature and Culture in Amboseli Region
日時: 2015年3月4日(水) 14:00 ~ 16:00
場所: JSPSナイロビ研究連絡センターセミナー室
演者: 田 暁潔氏 (京都大学大学院アジア・アフリカ地域研究研究科博士課程)
Unpredicted changes in both natural and social environment have been observed in Amboseli regions especially in recent 10 years. Natural environmental changes, such as unpredictable drought and the degradation of land, have been reported in different studies combine with the social issues such as the expanding of agriculture areas and the increasing of human wildlife conflicts. In order to improve the sustainability of the nature and culture in Amboseli region, actions have been taken by different sectors from government of Kenya to private sectors such as international NPO, NGO and local communities through policies and conservation projects that concerning about different environmental issues. Different from these approaches, local practices of the indigenous ecological knowledge (IEK) of Maasai in Amboseli regions are receiving more attentions for its contribution to the sustainability of the ecosystem and local pastoral culture. This seminar aims to: firstly, understand the current natural and social environmental issues that have emerged in Amboseli region; secondly, to understand the different approaches of different stakeholders and their roles in the survivability of the natural and social environment in Amboseli region; and third, to discuss the challenges and difficulties that have been faced by different stakeholders. Furthermore, through discussion, exchange the ideas for improving the sustainability and survivability of the people and their environment in Amboseli region in the coming future.

Proposed sub-topics for the presentations of this seminar:
Following the proposed aims, I would like to divide the topic of presentations into three parts:
1) Natural and Social Environmental Changes in Amboseli Ecosystem (Graduate student from Nairobi University)
2) The Roles of Government and Private Sectors (INGO, INPO, etc.) in the Sustainability of Nature and Culture in Amboseli Region (Graduate student from Nairobi University)
3) The Indigenous Ecological Knowledge (IEK) of Maasai, its contributions to the survivability of Nature and Culture, and its changes in Amboseli Region. (Xiaojie Tian)

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